I am in Junior League and this year, I have the honor of being Community Chair for Faith In Action Caregivers-West Austin. The good news is, that they are a NATIONAL organization. Training is only an hour and half and you get to pick how often you want to volunteer You can even sign up for shifts the day before if your schedule is sporadic.
What is the great non profit you ask? Well, you get to drive the elderly to their appointments or assist them in grocery shopping. It really is designed to help them maintain some sort of independence. Some of these people have no family in or around Austin. Some have no family at all. Sad, I know. Not only are you helping them run their errands, but you are giving them companionship that we, as humans, so desperately need for sound mind.
You can drive around the same person each week or month or sign up for a different person each time. I plan on volunteering for this organization long after my placement is fulfilled.
No matter where you are reading this blog from, you are likely able to find a branch near you.
For more information on Faith In ActionCaregivers, please visit: http://driveasenior.org
There are so many great places to volunteer during the summer. And places will even let you bring your kids, if you have them, to teach them to get involved while they are young! Some other great places to volunteer in the summer are:
SunShine Camps on Austin http://www.sunshinecamps.org
Big Brother, Big Sister http://www.bbbs.org
SPCA http://www.centraltexasspca.org
Girlstart http://www.girlstart.org
Just to name a few. If you have any spare time this summer I strongly encourage you to give back. It's the right thing to do and you get back what you put out there into the world. If you are always helping others then you will always find others helping you when you need it most. I believe that we are put on this earth to help those who are unable to help themselves!! Happy volunteering!
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