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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Writing Thank You Notes…A Lost Art

It saddens me to hear that cursive handwriting is becoming a lost art.  Along with it has gone the art of writing Thank You notes.  Call me old fashioned...I have written thank you notes for as long as I can remember.  It's disappointing to me how often people DON'T send them. I have been to two weddings where the bride never sent a thank you note.  Is this a new trend?  Well it certainly isn't one I will be following nor encourage.  It's manners people, those are NEVER out of style!

Late notes are better than no note at all, however, the proper etiquette is to send one either the day of or at least within a few days after and event or receiving a gift from someone (except after a wedding obviously).  In even more formal situations I will even send a thank you to a host who invited me to a nice event and let them know how nice it was or send one to let someone know it was nice to meet them. 

Help to keep Thank You notes alive. It only takes about 1-2 minutes to do so and the recipient will appreciate you for it.  Send one out to someone who has done something for you lately.  Even if it was just a nice visit with a girlfriend for happy hour cocktails.  My closest and best friends, we all send each other sweet nothings in the mail on a regular basis.  Another perk to doing so... it helps the people who work at the USPS to keep their job!

A few great places to pick up some Thank You stationary:
Paper Source
Paper Place
Barnes & Noble
Book People

My favorite Stationary brands:

Crane & Co:  http://www.crane.com/search?searchTerms=thank+you

Kate Spade: http://www.katespade.com/cute-stationery/stationery-paper/99-thank-you-cards/TC7111,default,pd.html

Papyrus:  http://www.papyrusonline.com/stationery-1/boxed-thank-you-notes.html

Every time I am out and find some that I like, I buy it…you can never have enough of those laying around! 


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